Transit of Venus

Transit of Venus

This is what yesterday’s Transit of Venus looked like. Essentially what we saw was a black dot (Venus) slowly going across the disc of the sun (big white circle – filtered). The transit took about 6 hours to complete. It started shortly after 12 noon Hawaii time and finished sometime after 6 pm right before sunset. I managed to get a few pictures of this once in a lifetime event. You see two of them here, and links to photos elsewhere.

Transit of Venus

The next Transit of Venus occurs in the year 2117. I definitely won’t be around to see that!

 Transit of Venus 

 Flickr Photos Transit of Venus

Video Clips (from various sources)


KITV 4 News June 5, 2012.


NASA SDO’s Ultra-high Definition View of 2012 Venus Transit


From the BBC: Why is the Transit of Venus such a rare event?


Melvin Ah Ching is a photographer, consultant, blogger, desktop publisher, and computer enthusiast living and working in Hawaii. The Hawaii Files have been online since 2006.