Re-Booting the Hawaii Files Blog

Ulu La'au Park

This is the first blog post of the new Hawaii Files Blog. Yes, we are back and we’ll be posting new photos, information, tips, and news to these pages. A selection of previous blog posts from our old site will also be added here. Furthermore our old archive at is still serving as a repository for all blog posts made between 2006 and early 2015.

The focus of this blog will be information and images from Hawaii. Political content that used to be a staple of the site will be repurposed to our sister site Hawaii Political Platter.

Continuing as part of the Hawaii Files Blog will be the occasional news and information post pertaining to the Hawaii Radio & Television Guide. The website for that is still active. The dial lists from that site will also make their return back to this blog.

Our information pages and blog posts will hopefully be useful to you our dear readers. Thank your for stopping by and it is hoped that you will become a regular visitor to the new Hawaii Files Blog.



Melvin Ah Ching is a photographer, consultant, blogger, desktop publisher, and computer enthusiast living and working in Hawaii. The Hawaii Files have been online since 2006.